Born in Nanjing to parents from Zhengding county in Hebei province
Entered the Ceramics Department of the National Beijing Art College (now the Ceramic Arts Design Department of the Central Crafts Institute)
Graduated from the Ceramics Department, Beijing Art College
Principal Xu Bei-Hong sent him to Shiwan to study ceramics, going to Taiwan to see what processes were being used here. In August he joined the Peitou Fire Resistant Materials Plant of the Taiwan Mining Company.
Made ceramics seals, vases, figurines and desk lamps in a short period of time, and exhibited them in Mining Exhibition Hall as part of the Taiwan's Retrocession Day Exhibition organized by the Presidential Office. The colorful pieces drew considerable interest.
Married Qi Ji-Zheng, a classmate from the Beijing Art College
Researched, designed and produced a flushing toilet for the Taiwan Mining Company. With his creation of a western style toilet, he made huge profits for the Mining Company.
Established Yungsheng Crafts with Xu Zhan-shan in Shilin on the Tanshui River. This was to be Taiwan’s first ceramics manufacturer cooperating with artists and intellectuals to produce creative ceramics. Their partnership came to an end after eight months due to financial difficulties.
Joined the Industrial Education Department (now known as the Technical Arts Department) of Taiwan National Normal University, teaching courses in both Ceramics and Glazes. Retired in 1994, taking up a position at the Industrial Arts Institute before fully retiring in 2000.
Took on a lectureship at Taiwan National Normal University, teaching Ceramics
Established the Ceramics Society at the Taiwan National Normal University, Taipei
Took on two more teaching positions, in the Art Design Department of the National Taiwan Art College, and also teaching ceramics techniques in the Productivity Center.
Six month course at the Ceramics Institute, National Technical College, Seto, Japan
Established the first personal ceramics studio; also designed and manufactured electrically powered kiln. The kiln was put on the market in 1968. Acted as a consultant for the Jinmen Ceramics factory, providing assistance in its construction and development.
and later he took part in the International Competition for Contemporary Ceramic Art in Faenza, Italy.
First solo exhibition, National History Museum, Taipei
Wu Rhang-Nung often writes about ceramic theory. This article was included in the November 1968 edition of Chinese Ceramics
Shot a documentary on Ceramic Arts for China Television Company, broadcast on June 1.
Went to Swaziland as part of a team of experts in the crafts
Held a joint exhibition at the Hua- Kang Museum with Lin Bao-Jia and Qiu Huang-Tang.
Took part in the Chinese and Japanese Ceramics Exhibition at the National History Museum, which ran from Jan. 13th through 28th.
Editor-in-chief of Ceramics Techniques commissioned by the Department of Education, Taiwan. This is now a reference book for middle school education. Participated in the '82 Ceramicists Joint Exhibition at the Taipei Spring gallery.
Commissioned by the Council for Cultural Affairs of Executive Yuan to draw up plans for the Modern Ceramics Institute of the Taipei County Cultural Center.
First public showing of his bluish white series in the World Creative Ceramics Exhibition in Korea
Participated in the Symposium on Traditional and Modern Chinese Ceramics held by the Hong Kong Chinese Culture Center
Editor-in-Chief, The Ceramic Industry (Revised Edition)
Retired from Taiwan National Normal University, taking up a position as professor at the Taiwan Craft Research Institute. He was to retire completely in 2000.
Wu Rhang-Nung at 70: A Retrospective held at The Taiwan Art Museum; lectured at the Ceramics Design Department at the Central Industrial Arts Institute.
Set up a studio in Dormant Buffalo Mountian, Puli; held a jointed exhibition with his students at the Bamboo Hall Gallery, second floor of the Hsinchu Municipal Culture Center.