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:::Home > Online Exhibition > Special Exhibition > Exhibition of 200 Years of Ceramics making in Yingge
  • Preface
    Since Wu An family had come to Yingge for cultivation and producing ceramics in the 9th year of Jiaching era(1804), it has been 200 full years until Yingge becomes a prominent ceramics town in Taiwan today. During these 200 years, concerning other small ceramic production towns in Taiwan, some have declined, some with products in simple development. However, only at Yingge, 5 major types of ceramics are in parallel development. It does not only develop on a continuous basis, but also can adapt to fashion through successive pattern transition, facilitating 80% of ceramic industry in Taiwan to be concentrated at a sole place of Yingge, demonstrating the flexible vitality of small enterprises in Taiwan. Ceramic industry has evolved from part-time production during spare time of farming till full-time specialized production with major manufacturers. It has developed from minor chimneys in mornings and evenings through densely laid chimneys with heavy smoke pollution, and then to the production without chimneys. It has also changed from full labor through full automation and then back to the emphasis of full manual art ceramics or individual studio creation form. It has turned from earth taking from field, earth refining through manual and animal power, machinery earth refining for mixing earth formula, till application of purified raw material to ceramic production. It started from following traditional system in product manufacture through OEM for products of foreign specifications, and then to R&D of creating new models and establishing brands. During the period, it has gone through various political and social form transition as well as economic fluctuation. However, Yingge, just like the famous Yingge Rock, has stood firmly. Yingge ceramic products, as strong as the wind in Tahan River Valley, are exported with strength all over the world.